Monday, May 31, 2004

Good Food and Cheetahs

I didn't go to the "thing" yesterday.Instead i spent the evening with a college mate AP.Hes studying in Syracuse but had to come back to give an exam and is going to he here till august.We had lots to talk about and that didn't stop while we were at the bookshop,played vdeo games,watched a movie,later had dinner,then icecream and then coffee.
Hes not a really "book" kinda person i took him on the instance that i had to check stuff out.I thought hes changed a bit and that was an under estimation.The movie wasn't really a movie,Day after tommorow.Its almost mind numbingly stupid but then with wisdom you get the power to destroy things.
Me and Ap actually got talking together beacuse he likes good food,and i like good food.So we would talk about our favourite restaurants and then go try them out.Those were the fun days of college when there was something to do everyday,rather eat.With me along we got a lot of spontaniety.That included another mate VsV,and together we'd start up anytime.Irnonically enough while having dinner i got a call from Vsv saying now hes shifting to Bangalore from Bhuvaneshwar.I sorta have this ESP over VsV's life,i had told him that he'd go to Bhuvaneshwar and just a few days back i told him he'd be going to Bangalore.
After i got home i couldn't sleep for a long time,tried calling Miss Meanie but she didn't answer.I was watching the french open highlights and it was good to see guga playing so well.Not at his best though but still good enough to win against coria over the weekend.And then i was watching crocodiles and later cheetahs on NGC.I love the outdoors , wildlife and so end up watching a lot of it on TV.Isn't it beautiful to see a cheetah run,its dynamics at its best.I finally slept at around 5 and got up a while back.I got work today so thats one thing i'm looking forward too(lol).Its looks as if its gonna rain today,thats always good.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Ice cold people and Warm Kulfi

My habits are getting worse by the day,today i got up ay 1130.Not that i hate sleeping late or something stupid like that but this feels as if i'm a log.I quite love early mornings though,even late nights .
Yesterday i was determined to buy a pair of floaters(as Miss Meanie calls them),my old ones were becoming almost embarassing to people around me.And after a lot of confusion i did buy a black one,it was almost like a battle choosing between two with both of them gaining all the time.When we have to choose things,we get lost.I also had really nice pot kulfi at a place (again told by Miss Meanie ,shes telling me lots of stuff) which was really nice and is the only thing i've eaten in the past 30 hrs.I'm quite a foodie actually and good food is one thing i'll never stop eating regardless of everything else.
Raikkonen didn't finish yet again yesterday,and what was once a problem has become a crisis.I like the way that guy handles himself.Ice cold ,no emotions and ruthless.Reminds me of Mika,who i still think can stake a place in Formula one.I often think about how it'll be like driving a formula one car ,someday i just might write about how it was.
I'm listening to Enigma ,at times i feel the solitude in the music.I was once told that people who like their solitude ,love enigma.I'm not sure if i'm among them.When we sustain solitude,solitide sustains us.In music i like a lot more then enigma.
Today i have to go to this place,which i feel i should've avoided.Work parties are boring,especially if they are on an off day.But i can't really avoid this one and i hope atleast the foods good.

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Sunday never had a charm for me,Its a day for me when dad was gonna be home and i had to do all i can to escape him.Even Miss Meanie hates and i should try and find out why.The silver lining was the formula one and of course the football.In case you are wondering ,I (still) like Mclaren Mercedez who are having a bad seasn.Disastrous will be a more appropriate word.But i like them anyway,call it loyalty or UNCONDITIONALITY.And Manchester United rule all,August 14 thats a day i'm waiting for.Its already 5 and its not been even an hour that i've got up.I used to find it weird to get up in the middle of afternoon and act as if its morning but i've got used to it now.And i do brush because some people,mostly just one think that i don't.I'm gonna remind myself to get a can of corn.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

White Pants,Brushing and other stuff

The weather was really nice while coming to work,which makes the feeling of going to work feel even bad.I'm not a very dedicated or loyal employee who loves to go to work but i don't hate it.Its fun at times and i don't really think its a lot of stress.Tommorow i have an off so i'll be thinking about how to spend my next two days all the time.I hope to catch the day after tommorow,it won't be a classic but its always funny to watch good ol' americans saving the world with their ingenuity .Hollywood has a special way of packagin things.They gift wrap so well at times that we forget about the gift.I like parallel and art films.I'm the sorta people who form the cult in cult movies like fight club,which is as a "cult" a movie can get.
I'm always half way through my work day,and its been ok.The usual stuff.I can't figure out one thing about this blog site,why can anyone without a id add a comment to any blog.That i believe is a serious restriction.Getting someone to actually add a comment is hard enough and asking them to make an id and then go on to add them isn't going to be very easy.
I called Miss Meanie in my break,and shes sorta fun to talk with.I was trying to elaborate what fun exactly fun meant but i don't think i can.Shes been trying to ask me to wear white pants(lol),i'm crazy but am not stupid.But shes fun to talk with.

I don't like to listen to people,its no fun in life taking a path thats been tried and tested.Let me do my own thing,let me screw things up but don't give me directions in my own life.
I just helped a 80 year old guy get the picture of his grandkids on his desktop.I even helped him scan a few more and email them to his poker buddies.Its way out of my support boundary but what the heck,its ok to do such stuff at times and its boring to get stuff about motherboards and hard drives all the time.But i have a thing for motherboards.I can't wait for Gmail to be launched,1 gb of web space.I mean soon we'll be re-phrasing the phrase nothings lasts forever atleast in the case of emails.
I'm not a geek but i love technology at times and the way it has changed our life.But i do believe at times i'd be better off being a nomad wearing no/little clothes ,hunting animals and not worrying about having to brush everyday.

What is it like...?

What is it like to be me,i'm not sure if i can actually explain that but i believe its wonderful though not at all times.People often say am a complicated person,but then i hardly bother about such stuff.I break things into smaller parts,and right now i live my life on a daily day to day basis with not many long term plans.Ambitions and plans are different,if i must add.For me many of my plans haven't worked so i just don't plan.Be it going on a vacation ,or thinking about what i'm going to be writing the next minute its all spontaneous.
Its been a usual day for me,theres nothing out of the ordinary that i manage to do in my life.I work nights so i come home and sleep till late afternoon,then spend time on my computer mostly talking to someone i'll refer to as Miss Meanie (SR) and checking out stuff.I like to read and i can spend hours reading about anything i feel like,i was just reading about Spain.The internet with all this information and Google is extremely handy.I love riding my bike and riding off anywhere i feel like.Most times i decide where i'll be going once am on the road,why take the extra pain.
I don't know of people who love to work on saturdays,but i happen to be one of them.Rather the have to work and hate it,thats where i'll fall.The days sorta windy,expecc for Bombay.Thats where i live the best city on the planet.Its time for me to leave home and go check out some stuff on the way to work.I'm a lousy shopper and it takes me seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/even months to decide on what i like.All the idle time at work should give me lots of time to fill in pages.

Day One

I've been wanting to blog since a long time but somehow i never got to it.I wasn't sure of what is that that i can share with the world,and where would the lines be drawn.Once i even made up my mind and even signed up for a site,but somehow it never worked.Anyway now i'm not really thinking a lot,about where i'll draw lines and what i'm gonna write.After 22 years i should've figured this out that i'm not very good at being thoughtful.Rather i'm much better at being impulsive,yea i do manage to be both.
About me
I'm 22,and i'm working as a technician for dell and am completing my graduate studies in electronics engineering.Oh yes,and i'm a guy.